Our programmes
Transition Year
Au Collège en France
At School in Ireland
Colegio en España
Im Schule in Deutschland
These individual placements involve the full immersion of the student in a secondary school abroad, from 4 weeks up to a full academic year (mostly private schools). Prior to departure, an assessment Level Test , complete with a Briefing and an Induction Course ensure a tailor-made placement with a smooth integration into the foreign school structure. Regular visits, with tuition by a local contact accessible to Irish parents, help the student keep up with homework, and provide advice and emotional support.
Fifth Year
Cours Intensif en France
Diálogos en España
Intensivkurs in Deutschland
These Leaving Cert courses abroad are arranged at the home of local students with personalized coaching in grammar, essay writing and interviewing skills; providing an asset for oral and written exams. Before departure, students are streamlined per levels.Abroad, sports & cultural activities are shared with local students. Follow up classes are available in Dublin during school year.
Summer programmes (2nd to 4th Year)
Aventure en France
Summer Camp in Ireland
Dublin Blilingual Summer Camps
Morning language classes and afternoon activities (sailing, canoeing, zip-lining, tennis, bowling, quasar, bubble football, excursions) in July are all shared with the foreign counterparts. A sure way to better aural & oral, express oneself, gain the love for the language and make new friends in a natural bilingual environment.
Dublin Classes
Leaving Cert (French / Spanish)
French/Spanish Leaving Cert evening classes for 5th & 6th Year, from September to May, in very small groups, with possibilities for 6th Year Revision oral courses (Spring/Easter crash courses).